+46 (0)705 873 666 info@greenbusinessteam.se

Hotel Concept with GBT-UV13

Drinking Water Solution.

The Green Business Team’s Hotel Concept with GBT-UV13 can be applied at hotels, schools, health centres, hospitals and offices.

The GBT-UV13 is made for assembly at a specific single site or tap, and can be installed at all sites/taps needed to produce clean and safe drinking water.

It eliminates 99.99% of bacteria, viruses and chlorine-resistant parasites such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia. The water passes first through two different cartridge filters consisting of a particle filter and an active carbon filter. Thereafter the water passes through a UV-type Sterilight VT1. The product is delivered with a tap.


Contact us for more information about this product.

Our products are tested and certified according to Swedish and EU standards and we follow strict regulations placed upon processes used for human consumption.